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Cubaris Murina Glacier Isopods

Cubaris Murina Glacier Isopods

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Murina Glacier Isopods, also known as Cubaris murina, are considered an excellent entry-level species within the Cubaris genus. Though they lack the vibrant colors or distinctive markings of other species, they are highly valued for their efficiency as bioactive custodians. These isopods are particularly well-suited for terrariums and vivariums, helping maintain a clean and balanced environment. Their adaptability and ease of care make them a popular choice for those new to the hobby.

Cubaris Murina Glacier: Synopsis

  • Place of Origin: Indo-Pacific region, North America
  • Scientific Name: Cubaris murina
  • Lifespan: 1-4 years
  • Difficulty level:  Medium
  • Temperature Range: 62℉-83℉
  • Size: 1 cm
  • Rareness: Medium
  • Humidity Range: 70% -80%
  • Preferred Diet: fungi, bacteria, algae and other detritus
  • Supplements in Addition: Cuttlebone, bat guano, calcium powder

Cubaris Murina: Abstract

Murina Glacier Isopods are highly adaptable to a variety of environments. These isopods are primarily found in the Pacific, the Caribbean, and North America. Their scientific name, Cubaris murina, is derived from the Latin words "cube," meaning "to lie," and "marina," which relates to sea creatures. This name reflects their smooth, small bodies, which have often led to them being mistaken for tiny sea organisms. Their ability to thrive in diverse habitats makes them a popular choice for bioactive setups.


  • These creatures are muted grey or purple in color with peach or orange spots at the rear end. 
  • It has a smooth and small body and is often mistaken as a sea creature due to its appearance.
  • These species are great clean-up crews in terrariums and vivariums.
  • They have a moderate reproduction rate.
  • These isopods are easy to care for and are great for beginners.
  • They are found in multiple types of habitats. Due to this, they are widely sought after.
  • They are the best entry-level species with a forgiving nature. 

Murina Glacier Isopods: Morphs

These species, which have either been cultured or found in the wild, are found in different patterns and colors. 

  • Papaya: They are dull pink and are believed to be an albino version. These isopods are popular among enthusiasts.
  • Glacier: It is an almost completely white variety. They have white eyes, legs, and antennae.
  • Anemone: This isopod is a variety of speckled patterns of orange and grey.
  • Florida Orange: The orange variety of the isopod discovered in the wild in Florida, hence the name.

Murina Glacier Isopods: Food 

Even Though the isopods are very small in size, their appetite is not very small. Feeding is essential to continue their life cycle. There are better methods than feeding them with random decaying material. The food supplied should be the perfect blend of various materials, ensuring that the isopods get all the required nutrients. The decaying organic matter should be placed in the corner of the container, forming the basis for their feeding. In addition to the organic matter, litters of leaf and decaying wood will help them maintain a healthy condition.

Other than the naturally available materials, special supplements are designed to provide the perfect mix of required nutrients for the isopod. Supplying them with these designed foods can help them make healthy offspring.

Cubaris Murina Glacier: Breeding

The two main components for them to breed in abundance are the perfect food with the right amount of nutrients and a comfortable environment. Both can be achieved by using naturally available materials and man-made settings. Reproducing healthy offspring relates to the size and the regular structure. 

  • A study was conducted in 2009 on these species, and it was discovered that they can produce decent-sized broods quickly. 
  • This makes them a reliable species for different kinds of terrariums.
  • These species can proliferate in a culture where there is low density compared to a high-density culture.

Cubaris Murina: Natural Environment

The environment provided by Mother Nature to the isopods is humid in nature. To adjust to the temperature and humidity, they have the ability to burrow themselves inside their living area, which helps them maintain their preferred living conditions. Due to this ability, they are seen in many parts of the world where there is a perfect blend of moist and humid environments.

These isopods come out of their burrow whenever they feel the environmental conditions are safe for them. With a large appetite, they will hunt for their food any time of the day.

Cubaris Murina Glacier Isopods: Artificial Enclosure Setting

It is always difficult to set up an artificially made environment that is 100% comfortable for the isopods. But with the advancements in technology, an environment that can mimic the natural environment can be set up, which can ensure a near-to-comfortable climate for the isopods. These artificial settings are achieved by using humidity controllers and temperature regulators. Based on the sensor feedback, the system adjusts the conditions itself, providing the isopods with a misty environment, almost matching their natural environment.

Proper care of the system has to be ensured as a wrong sensor feedback may create a difference in temperature or humidity, resulting in an uncomfortable environment. This will affect the lifespan as well as the ability to reproduce.

  • For an artificial setting, start with a shoebox-size plastic container. 
  • They do not reproduce in a short period of time. Therefore, the same box can be used for a longer period of time.
  • It is to be ensured that sufficient ventilation is provided in the artificially designed environment. 

Habitat and Substrate Mix

  • They generally adapt to all kinds of environments. However, their preferred environment is a moist one. 
  • While setting up the artificial environment, it is best to provide a moisture-retaining element for the isopods to have comfortable living conditions. 
  • Placing coconut coir inside their habitat can help mimic their natural environment, as it helps them to burrow inside.
  • In addition, the bark of orchid trees and sphagnum moss are very good elements for locking the moisture inside the enclosure. 
  • Earthworm casting is one of the main sources of nutrients, which will help them to produce healthy offspring.

Cubaris Murina: Basic Care

Proper care must be provided to culture and maintain these isopods. It is crucial to clean the enclosure regularly. Not maintaining hygiene may attract unwanted pests and affect the isopod's health. While making provision for ventilation, it is to be ensured that mesh is provided to prevent these critters from escaping. Monitor the enclosure and make sure that the humidity and temperature are maintained. Provide supplements to meet their overall nutritional needs. Also, while placing the enclosure, keeping them in a dark place away from sunlight is essential.  

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