Lava Isopods (Porcellio Scaber)
Lava Isopods (Porcellio Scaber)
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Lava isopods are scientifically named as Porcellio scaber are native to Europe. People often find them fascinating and often keep them as pets. These creatures are easy to take care and can easily adapt to any environment, which make them unique too.
Scaber lava isopods are very common in places like Portugal and Spain, and because they require low maintenance, it has become a popular choice as pets.
Scaber Lava Isopods: A Glimpse
- Origin: Europe
- Scientific Name: Porcellio Scaber
- Difficulty Level: Easy
- Size: Up to 1.7 Centimetre
- Rarity: Low/Medium
- Temperature: 70° F to 84° F
- Humidity: 70% to 80%
- Favorite Foods: Mushrooms, Carrots, Leafy Greens, Decaying wood
An Overview
These Isopods are native to Europe, but unlike other isopods they are not rare. They are tiny, hard-bodied creatures and are characterized by their unique patterns of red, black, and orange color combinations.
Most people fall for their gorgeous exoskeleton looks similar to the pattern made by flowing lava on the ground.
These little critters thrive in a damp atmosphere, and building a humid habit for them is essential. It is easy to make a low to moderate-humidity enclosure by misting their environment regularly.
Porcellio Scaber is not much of a picky eater and they enjoy a simple diet consisting of leafy greens, potatoes, and carrots. Sometimes, even a slice of apple or other fruits makes them happy.
Scaber Lava Isopods: Basic Care
Lava isopods need right temperature, housing, food, and humidity conditions to thrive and stay healthy. These basic tips shared below will help to care for your lava isopods:
- You must give them a diet rich in leafy matter and calcium supplementation.
- Make sure to get a terrarium or paludarium with a cover to contain humidity and heat for your isopods to live comfortably.
- The sub-moist vivarium type is the most appropriate enclosure for lava isopods as it provides the ideal humidity level and temperature range.
- The ideal pH for tank water is between 0.6 and 8.0, with the hardness level below 15 GH.
- The correct temperature range for lava isopods is 70° F to 84° F.
- For substrate mix, you must use a mix of coco coir and peat moss.
- Make sure the terrarium has proper lighting as it is important for their life cycle.
- You must keep a watch on their behavior to ensure they are active and healthy.
- Make hiding spots using leaves or bark inside the terrarium for them to seek cover and feel safe.
Feeding the right food Scaber Lava Isopods is important for their health. The best way to keep these tiny creatures healthy and active is by feeding them the right food.
Because they are not picky eaters, Scaber Lava eats a variety of things like fruits like pears and apples, vegetables like spinach and carrots, mushrooms, and decaying plant matter. These tiny scavengers happily snack on these organic goodies and absorb nutrients needed for their growth and well-being.
If their diet lacks protein then these little guys turn into scary monsters as they start feeding on each other to supplement protein deficiency. Make sure to feed protein 2x every week by providing supplements like frozen dried veggies, mushrooms, and organic veggie scraps.
Scaber Lava Isopods: Appearance And Behaviour
- Lava isopods are tiny, armored bugs with a tough exoskeleton providing protection.
- They are only 1-2 cm long and easy to manage in a small space like a terrarium.
- Their exoskeletons come in different colors like red, orange, or a combination of the two colors with black.
- They scuttle around with their 14 tiny legs, and antennae on top of the head to feel and sense their environment.
- They thrive in low to moderate-humid conditions and exhibit excellent survival skills.
- They use their strong legs to find hiding spots under rocks and leaves on rough terrains.
- Lava isopods are nocturnal, and that’s why they remain active in the night. During the day, they remain hidden to avoid the heat.
Scaber Lava Isopods: Habitat
Scaber lava isopods are mostly found in humid and dark environments because they prefer to live that way. They prefer low to moderate humidity but are very tolerant of high-humid conditions.
These little bugs thrive in leaf litter, decaying wood, and soil with high humidity when left in the wild. Their way of living is crucial for the ecosystem because they break down organic matter.
At home, a suitable environment for lava isopods is a terrarium with a cover to maintain moisture and temperature levels. A substrate mix of peat moss and fiber is ideal because that’s the closest setup to their natural habitat.
An easy way to keep the substrate mix from getting dry is by spraying water regularly. The enclosure must be damp, not waterlogged. You must also add a few good hiding spots like pieces of leaf litter or bark. Bearded dragon enclosures are a great choice for lava isopods.
Scaber Lava Isopods: Substrate Mix
Creating a suitable substrate mix for saber lava isopods is essential for their health and well-being. Since they love to live in humid places, it is important to build a setup that is supportive of their needs.
For the base, you must use peat moss or coconut fiber as they are very good at absorbing moisture and providing a comfortable environment. To create natural hiding spots, add bark or leaf litter. It makes them feel secure and the set-up looks more natural.
These tiny creatures love to burrow, and therefore adding sphagnum moss or coconut coir is a great idea. It serves as cozy underground hideouts for these bugs to hide themselves if feel threatened.
Make sure the enclosure is always moist and humid. To maintain the dampness, you can use a spray bottle to mist water regularly. A good way to enrich the substrate is by adding pieces of decaying wood and plant matter which are great sources of nutrition for the scaber lava isopods.