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Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods

Regular price £10.00 GBP
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Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods for sale

Armadillidium peraccae isopods are broad and bulky and are established quickly in terrariums and vivariums. They are active and social and are great bio-cleanup agents. Due to its unique color and shell and ease of maintenance, it has gained popularity among isopod lovers. 

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods: Key Points

  • Place of Origin: Greece
  • Scientific Name: Armadillidium peraccae
  • Temperature Range: 68℉-77℉
  • Breeding Rate: Moderate
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Size: 1.8 cm
  • Rareness: low
  • Humidity Range: 45%-55%
  • Preferred Diet: potatoes, squash, carrots
  • Supplements in Addition: limestone, cuttlebone, supreme isopod chow

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods: Introduction

The Armadillidium Peraccae is native to Greece. The species name “peraccae” is named in honor of Italian herpetologist Mario Giacinto Peracca around the 19th and 20th centuries. Armadillidium Peraccae is a unique species that is relatively easy to care for and has an intriguing shell texture and color. This fascinating and common species is a wonderful addition to the isopod collection.

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods: Characteristics and Physical Traits

  • The genus name “Armadillidium” means “little armored one.” 
  • These species are blueish slate grey in color.
  • They are broad, have a unique-looking shell, and have small bumps on their carapace.
  • These species are roly polies, i.e., they roll into a ball when threatened. 
  • This species has a primordial appearance and is reminiscent of trilobites.  
  • These medium-sized isopods are active and social. 
  • Peraccae isopods thrive in both arid and temperate environments.
  • These critters are highly active during the night and early morning.
  • These are not widely distributed outside of their native land, although they are common among isopod enthusiasts.
  • Due to its ease of maintenance and tolerance to various climates, they are common among hobbyists.
  • Larger amphibians and reptiles consume the adult isopods, except poison dart frogs.
  • They are highly prolific species, and they produce before reaching adulthood. 
  • These species are hardy and grow reasonably quickly.

Armadillidium Peracce Isopods: Diet

These species are primarily detritivores in nature. In the wild, these creatures have a large appetite and consume dried leaves, rotting wood, and feces. For a balanced diet, these species are fed with a wide range of food. These include potatoes, fruits, vegetable scraps along with isopod food mix to meet all the nutritional requirements. Make sure to feed them twice a week to avoid overfeeding. 

The Armadillidium Peracce isopods require lots of calcium and protein for their diet. This is to maintain their tough exoskeleton and for molting. Therefore, these species require protein three times a week, along with calcium supplements like calcium powder and cuttlebone. This helps to keep the isopods healthy and produce offspring. 

Armadillidium Peracce Isopods: Breeding

  • They are one of the most proficient species among other isopod species. 
  • They produce offspring throughout the year. 
  • The young isopods are hearty, and they grow pretty quickly. 
  • They reproduce before reaching adulthood and, therefore, may produce large broods. 
  • When culturing these species, make sure to provide the necessary moisture, around 50%, to make the environment ideal for breeding.
  • When the population exceeds, make sure to prepare another enclosure and separate new broods from old ones. 

Armadillidium Peracce Isopods: Care

These critters are easy to maintain and are less demanding when compared to other species. They require a basic organic compost as a substrate mix with leaf litter scattered on top of the substrate mix. Provide suitable hides such as bark slabs and moisture.

These species require medium to high ventilation. Temperature for the enclosure may not affect the isopods as they are tolerant in nature. It is crucial to avoid extreme temperatures as it may stress these critters. 

When providing moisture, it is important to maintain a moisture gradient. The inconsistent atmosphere may affect the species during molting. Therefore, it is important to maintain a damp and dry environment by 30/70. To maintain the moisture, mist the area with sphagnum moss and leave the rest dry. 

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods: Artificial Setup

  • For a successful setup, use plastic shoe box tubs of 6 qt to 32 qt. Locking tubs is optional, but it may provide added security. 
  • Glass containers with ventilations provided can also be a better alternative, as they help people see better. It is best for those who like to watch these critters crawl around in the enclosure. 
  • Make small holes on the side of the container for cross-ventilation and to prevent mold. 
  • Add pre-soaked substrate mix into the container. Make sure to provide a thick bedding of 1-3 inches. 
  • Distribute dried leaves inside the enclosure. Make sure to clean the leaves with water and dry them before adding them to the enclosure.
  • Add th of the container with sphagnum moss and mist the area with moss. This gives isopods the room they need to osmoregulate and maintain homeostasis.
  • Add plenty of rotten white wood as they prefer hiding underneath bark.
  • Provide a calcium supplement into the enclosure. Adding a cuttlebone piece can help if the substrate doesn’t have any other calcium supplement. 
  • Add egg shells or crushed calcium carbonate as a substitute for the cuttlebone. 

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods: Substrate

These species prefer a less humid habitat; therefore, one must make sure to maintain the moisture accordingly. When providing substrate mix for the peraccae isopods, it is important to provide the best, especially for molting. Providing organic compost soil can act as a base for the substrate. Apart from the soil, you can opt for ABG substrate mix or other premium isopod mix for the substrate. These pre-mixed substrates include all the elements that will help an isopod breed and live. They consist of: 

  • Organic potting soil
  • Flake soil
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Dried and decayed leaves
  • Oyster sea shell as a supplement

Pour the substrate into an enclosure and make sure the depth is right. It is crucial that you never let the substrate get too dry. When the substrate starts to seem more like frass than the substrate, replace it entirely and add more when needed. Take care not to disturb the isopod in molting. In order to prevent attracting harmful pests, any uneaten food items added within 24 hours must always be removed.


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