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Yellow Tiger Isopods (Cubaris sp.)

Yellow Tiger Isopods (Cubaris sp.)

Regular price £60.00 GBP
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Highly sought-after species with dramatic yellow colouration and bold black markings. Thrives at a wider range of temperatures than most.

    • Origin: Southeast Asia - largely found in tropical forests in Thailand

    • Scientific Name: Cubaris. sp Yellow Tiger

    • Difficulty Level: Medium

    • Size: 1.2-1.5cm

    • Rarity: Very Rare

    • Temperature: 72-78F

    • Humidity: 75-85%

    • Diet:

 Another relative newcomer to the world of isopod-keeping Yellow Tiger Isopods should be on any moderately experienced or experienced keepers' list of must-have isopods. With their stunning colours and growing to about 22mm, they're larger than many other species.

 They need a higher humidity than some other isopods, and this may point to their origin location in caves or deep undergrowth. Coming from Thailand they share many similarities with other Cubaris species and can be shy and retiring at first, but once their numbers start to grow they will start to come out more. Get as large a group as you can, and they will start to multiply, giving you a large colony faster than you might think.

 Aim to keep over half the enclosure humid and feed a varied diet based on leaf litter, Yellow Tiger Isopods are a true tropical isopod. When you think of these think of the humid jungles of Thailand, caves so big they have their own microclimates, and lush vegetation that still to this day hides secrets. Think of all the food sources that they would have access to in the wild, and try to provide something close to that. Although I'm sure you can skip the Durian.

 Many isopod keepers have been introduced to the hobby by Cubaris species, but these seem to fly under the radar compared to others. They’re well worth the investment to add something a little more dramatic to your collection.

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