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Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods

Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods

Regular price £45.00 GBP
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Armadillidium ruffoi isopod is an extraordinarily striking species of isopods found in the mountains of Northern Italy. These species breed very slowly and take time to populate. Therefore, they are ideal for hobbyists and isopod enthusiasts who prefer brood-size animals that don't overpopulate. Armadillidium ruffoi isopods like moisture and humidity and are not tolerant to drought. These species require regular monitoring and care. Therefore, they are moderately difficult to care for.


  • Place of Origin: Northern Italy
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Crustaceans
  • Order: Isopoda
  • Family: Armadillidiidae 
  • Genus: Armadillidium
  • Species: Armadillidium ruffoi

Key Points

  • Maintenance Effort: low to medium
  • Ideal Temperature Range: 62℉-78℉
  • Reproduction Rate: Slow
  • Ventilation: high
  • General Size: 16mm
  • Rareness: High
  • Humidity Range: 60%-75%
  • Preferred Diet: fruits, vegetables, meat scraps
  • Supplements in Addition: limestone, cuttlefish bone


Armadillidium ruffoi, or Ruffo's Pill Woodlouse, falls under the "Marginiferae" section of the genus. The Armadillidium genus are the true pill bugs, that roll into a ball when they sense danger or any disturbance. These species have side edges that bend upwards, forming a lobe. 

Their dark exoskeleton with bright yellow spots and white skirts makes them appear strikingly beautiful and widely sought after. These species are endemic to Italy and hence they are super rare. These isopods are collected among enthusiasts that love to collect various rare species across the world. 

Physical Traits of Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods

  • Has dark carapace with yellow irregular spots and white skirts.
  • These spots are formed in three longitudinal rows.
  • Its tergites are smooth with slight granulation or humps on the exterior part. 
  • They are medium to large-sized isopods with beautiful shapes.
  • The skirts of the isopods are bent upwards and have various morphs ranging from white to yellowish orange. 
  • They are roly polys, i.e., they roll into a ball when they are threatened. 
  • These species are not drought tolerant; therefore, moisture is important for them. 
  • They are detritivores in nature.
  • They are shy creatures, but they become active when in large numbers.
  • These species require ample ventilation and high humidity for their survival.
  • They reproduce slower than other species and have large broods. 
  • These species grow very slowly to reach adulthood. 
  • Have an average lifespan of 2.5 years. 

Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods: Diet

Though these species consume on dead and decaying organic debris, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for an isopod's health. Especially if these species are kept in a closed setting. It is important to provide nutritious food like vegetable pieces, greens and vegetable scraps in small quantities to maintain their health. 

These isopods require high calcium and protein for a healthy exoskeleton. Therefore, meat scraps and dried shrimp pieces help them provide the necessary protein and calcium powder; cuttlebone and eggshells help to provide calcium. 

It is crucial to provide small quantities of food in the beginning. After analyzing their food intake, one can gradually increase the quantity. Although these species have a voracious appetite, it is important to feed them a necessary amount to prevent any excess and avoid attracting molds and pests. 

Morphs of Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods

  • There is a morph of Armadillidium Ruffoi called "Orange Skirt" isopods. 
  • These species are rare and are newly discovered near Verona, Italy. 
  • These critters have dark exoskeletons with white spots on their exoskeleton, unlike the regular yellow spots in wild species. 
  • The skirt is yellowish-orange and is thus named the "orange skirt." 

Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods: Natural Habitat

In Northern Italy, during the summer season, the temperature is typically between 65 and 85. Due to this temperature, it is ideal for the isopods to thrive in the wild. They are typically found in and around caves where moisture and humidity is available. These species tend to hide but are active under leaves and bark of rotting hardwood.

Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods: How to Build an Enclosure

To make an enclosure, it is important to start off with a basic 14.1-liter plastic box as an enclosure. Provide three ventilation windows around the enclosure, leaving one side, and cover the openings with wire mesh. 

Adding egg crates creates barriers between old and new isopod colonies while providing them with a surface to climb and explore.

When adding food into the enclosure, as necessary quantity depending on the size of the culture. Add vegetables and fruits, an isopod bug burger for overall nutrition, calcium powder, eggshells, and cuttlebone for calcium. 

Place large pieces of decaying hardwood flat on the substrate in the enclosure for the isopod colonies to hide. Add lots of dried rotting leaves to the enclosure, as the leaves are the primary source of food and act as a hiding space. The leaves and bark also help elevate the enclosure's aesthetics and mimic the isopod colonies' natural surroundings. 

Clean the enclosure to prevent pests. Molds, gnats, and fruit flies affect the health of isopods. Mist the enclosure occasionally with water to keep it moist. Make sure to prevent water from accumulating in the base. Monitor the temperature and humidity of the enclosure for a healthy living isopod brood. 

Combining all the elements, you can provide a suitable home for the isopods to breed and thrive. 

Armadillidium Ruffoi Isopods: Substrate Mix for the Isopod

For the substrate mix for Armadillidium Ruffoi, one can opt for a basic ABG substrate mix. These mixes are pre-made and have all the necessary elements to support the biodiversity inside the enclosure. 

The ABG mix includes fur bark, black earth soil, hummus, and organic compost soil. Worm castings can be included in the mix as they provide a nutritious food source for the isopods. Crunched-up leaf litter and charcoal can be included in the mix. Charcoal is porous in nature, and it can help with water retention and aeration, which is necessary for the isopods. Sea soil can also be included in the mixture as it may contain decomposed fish emulsion, providing nutrition to the isopods.

After adding the substrate mix into the enclosure, add elements like wooden bark, sphagnum moss, and dried leaves for a touch of aesthetics and to mimic their natural environment. 

When combining them, you get a complete substrate mix that retains moisture, replicates their natural habitat and provides a healthy ecosystem within the biosphere. 


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