Benefits of using Arcadia Reptile Earth Mix substrate for isopods
Arcadia EarthMix substrate is the complete rolls royce choice for anyone with a bioactive terrarium or vivarium set up.
Arcadia EarthMix is a clean, mineral rich substrate which is pre-loaded with nutrients from volcanic rock and worm castings which is excellent for plant growth and is safe for all species. It provides essential minerals to reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. It is free from non-natural particles that could lead to health issues such as impaction. Arcadia EarthMix is truly a bioactive ready substrate without the need to establish a microbiome first.
The substrate mix replicates the desert floor with its sandy texture which helps to provide an enriched environment and promote natural behaviours in our beloved reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates such as digging, burrowing and foraging. It also looks great If a natural-looking environment is what you are striving for. Arcadia EarthMix is also a highly absorbent substrate which is perfect for maintaining optimal levels of humidity for your pet's needs.
Having an optimal ratio of minerals and organic matter provides a perfect replicative terrestrial environment for isopods to thrive. Isopods thrive in environments with an optimal amount of minerals such as calcium to help strengthen their exoskeletons and decaying natural matter to feast on and burrow within. By providing an isopod with as close to a natural environment as possible in addition to overall good husbandry practices the more likely you will see your isopod colonies begin to grow as they feel comfortable, safe and have all the natural minerals and food they need to breed.