Our First Livestream
On Tuesday 20th August, we had the delight of been invited onto a livestream with Scotts Inverts and Kris's zoo on wheels.
We have had a few invites before but unfortunately due to my work commitments I sadly was unable to do this.
As soon as I committed to this, I was instantly anxious this is something I have always thought to do but never had the platform or confidence to do this.
Luckily for me, Scott sent me over the streaming link so I could practise as I intended on streaming from my laptop but also using my phone to livestream some of the many isopods I have for sale on my website.
I was quite surprised to ease into the podcast as quickly as I did but this was mainly in part due to how welcoming Scott and Kris were right from the start.
Honestly, i didn't have a plan as to what isopods to show during the livestream and instead chose for the people watching the livestream to chose which isopods we should showcase.
During the podcast we showed a wide variety of isopods including cannonball isopods, pineapple isopods and of course rubber ducky isopods.
Scott also had a great idea pre show to add a custom discount code during the duration of the podcast, we want to say a thank you to all the subscribers and viewers who made purchases during the livestream it was very appreciated by all.
We even had the opportunity to send our first ever birthday card to a lady called Amy who made a purchase during the livestream.
Alongside Kris and Scott providing constant support and reassurance during our conversation, I would like to say thank you to everyone in the chat also who joined to show support including some of my work colleagues and friends outside of the hobby, I even had some members of my family join the livestream and comment too.
For the video/recording of the livestream I used my laptop for talking and my phone for getting close ups of the isopods. I wasn’t very conscious of the quality of this however unfortunately until the end of the livestream. Luckily however this week I purchased a much needed new laptop as the laptop I was using was a MacBook Air I got for my 21st birthday over 10 and a half years ago.
Then on Friday 30th August I joined Scott and Kris again, this time with Ling and others for Kris’s livestream where he pairs tarantulas and I was able to test out the new camera which Scott commented on the quality so going forward all podcasts/livestreams will be better quality. My friend James also recommended a new tripod also with a built in ring light which I will be receiving in the next few days so hopefully I can use this also on the next livestream.
Although I had put off doing a livestream for a long time this was honestly an amazing experience hence me been so quick to do another less than 2 weeks later therefore if anyone reading this is thinking about doing a livestream in the future - I would strongly recommend that you do this.
If you would like to see the livestream it's still available to view on Scotts channel here https://www.youtube.com/live/-wSXHrul87U?si=-O4GxrgqZAoNPC1o