Moo cow isopods

Midland-Entomological- Fayre April 2024

Last week we attended and exhibited at our first show of the year, the Midland Entomological Fayre.

This was also the first show my partner Claire has come with me to to help with the table on the day. 

Me and Alfie packed up the isopods on saturday night, constantly second guessing if we were taking too many or too little of the right things as we wanted to make sure we could bring the classic favourites as well as a few things that would be unique to the show.

litres of moss later and after helping the label printer as it started to struggle to spool off the labels todays the end, we finally had finished. At around 11.30pm that night, it was time to go to sleep before getting up in the morning to drive down to the show.

The show starting a little later than some others we have attended previously and also it only been an hour away made it feel like we didn't have to get up early, Claire actually said she felt like she had slept in and missed it because of the lates start with the help of the night before preparation.

On the way, I was sure to grab some liquid energy (coffee) for me and Tom over at Exotic Empire and as soon as I saw him, the standard 'arrghhh im panicking' set in within my mind which I think he noticed right away. 

Luckily the setup was quite quick and the day went over super quick, too quick almost but during the day I was afforded thanks to my partner and Alfie helping out especially a lot of time to speak to people who were attending the show. It was amazing to see so many people already knew who we were and commented about coming onto our site previously and having made purchases.

A few customers even commented on how the care we take when packaging isopods and springtails really showed how we cared for them, this was great feedback as posting for me took a long time to start doing as I wanted to ensure that our pods had the best transit from our home to their new one.

We also got to see a few old faces who we met at the last show which was also truly great to see including the owners of Unusual Pets and Spa Spiders

Due to the panic I always have when doing things like this, I didn't afford myself to have a proper look at other tables during the day so came home with a lot of isopods - but all of which I had taken myself - no new additions.

This is a great show to do and we will be booking on for December too, it is run great and the venue is great - even has a great vending machine with protein bars and stong energy drinks haha.

Thank you to everyone we spoke to last weekend and we hope if you purchased anything the little guys are doing great and for those who we have not yet met - we hope to do so in the coming years.

We were unable to do Capital next weekend but we hope to attend quite a few during the year so keep a look our on our facebook for updates on this!

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