Feeding Isopods Mealworm Sheddings
Isopods are commonly known as pill bugs or roly-poly bugs. These creatures belong to the arthropod family and typically thrive in moist and humid environments. These creatures are found all over the world and are widely used for educational purposes. Isopods are omnivores and survive on a range of food items such as vegetables, fruits, and insects.
What Are Mealworm Sheddings?
Mealworms are the larvae of darkling beetles and are widely used as a source of protein for pets and livestock. Mealworms are easy to breed and maintain. The shed skin of mealworm larvae is known as mealworm sheddings or exoskeletons.
Mealworm sheddings are the outer layer of the larvae's skin that they shed as they grow. They are primarily composed of chitin, which is a polysaccharide that forms the hard outer shell of insects and crustaceans. They are an excellent source of fiber and protein.
Why Feed Isopods Mealworm Sheddings?
As mentioned earlier, isopods are omnivores and require a balanced diet to survive. The nutritional composition of mealworm sheddings makes them an excellent food source for isopods. Let’s dive into the nutritional benefits of mealworm sheddings.
Protein is essential for the growth, development, and repair of muscles, tissues, and organs in the body. It is also necessary for the production of enzymes and hormones. Mealworm sheddings are an excellent source of protein, with a protein content of approximately 55%. This makes them an ideal food source for isopods that require a high protein diet.
Fiber is an essential component of the isopod's diet. It aids in digestion and helps to regulate bowel movements. Mealworm sheddings are an excellent source of fiber, with a fiber content of approximately 10%. This makes them an ideal food source for isopods that require a high fiber diet.
As mentioned earlier, mealworm sheddings are primarily composed of chitin. Chitin is a polysaccharide that is not digestible by most organisms. However, isopods possess chitinase, an enzyme that breaks down chitin into more manageable pieces. Chitin is an essential component of the isopod's diet as it helps with the molting process.
Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. It also aids in muscle function, nerve signaling, and blood clotting. Mealworm sheddings are an excellent source of calcium, with a calcium content of approximately 0.2%. This makes them an ideal food source for isopods that require a high calcium diet.
How To Feed Isopods Mealworm Sheddings
Feeding isopods mealworm sheddings is relatively easy. Here are some steps to follow:
- Purchase some mealworms from a pet store or online supplier.
- Carefully remove the shed skin of the larvae, known as mealworm sheddings.
- Place a small amount of mealworm sheddings in the isopod's enclosure.
- Monitor the isopods to ensure they are consuming the mealworm sheddings.
- Repeat the process as necessary.
It is important to remember that mealworms should be fed to isopods in moderation. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues.
Mealworm sheddings are an excellent food source for isopods that require a high protein, high fiber, and high calcium diet. They are easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive. Feeding isopods mealworm sheddings is an excellent way to provide them with a balanced diet and keep them healthy. With proper care and feeding, isopods can thrive and provide a valuable learning experience for students and enthusiasts alike.