Supplementing isopods with calcium

Isopods, also known as pill bugs or woodlice, are fascinating creatures that provide numerous benefits to their owners. Not only do they serve as excellent clean-up crew members in terrariums and other enclosed environments, but isopods can also provide a rich source of calcium when supplemented with the proper nutrients.

Calcium is an essential mineral for both humans and animals, as it is responsible for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. While many people associate calcium with dairy products, there are other sources of this vital nutrient that may be more appealing to those who avoid animal products.

For those who keep isopods as pets or use them in bioactive setups, providing calcium supplements can help ensure that these harmless creatures are fortified with the necessary nutrients to maintain optimal health. Isopods naturally require calcium to build their exoskeletons, and a lack of this valuable mineral can lead to deformities, stunted growth, and other health issues.

In nature, isopods obtain calcium through their diet, which typically consists of decaying wood and other organic materials. In captivity, it is important to supplement their diet with additional sources of calcium to ensure they are getting enough of this vital nutrient.

Some excellent sources of calcium for isopods include:


  • Crushed eggshells: Simply save your eggshells and crush them into small pieces. You can then sprinkle the eggshells over your isopods' substrate or mix them into their food.
  • Cuttlebone: This is a popular source of calcium for birds, but it can also be used for isopods. Simply break off small pieces and place them in your isopods' enclosure.
  • Calcium powder: There are numerous calcium powders on the market that can be sprinkled over your isopods' food or substrate. Look for powders that are specifically formulated for isopods to ensure that they are getting the appropriate levels of calcium.


Providing your isopods with adequate levels of calcium can have numerous benefits, including:


  • Improved growth rate: Isopods that are deficient in calcium may experience stunted growth or deformities. Adding calcium to their diet can help ensure that they grow and develop properly.
  • Stronger exoskeletons: Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of isopod exoskeletons. A lack of this mineral can lead to weak or brittle shells that can easily be damaged or broken.
  • Better reproductive success: Isopods that are supplemented with calcium are more likely to reproduce successfully and produce healthy offspring. This is particularly important for those who breed isopods for use in bioactive setups or other environments.


PostPods ensure all our isopods have a healthy diet supplemented with calcium to ensure each isopod is healthy and strong.

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