Isopods for sale

Isopods as feeders

Isopods, also known as “pillbugs” or “roly-polies,” are often thought of as a pest in gardens and damp environments. However, recent research has shown that these critters can actually be incredibly useful in a different way: as feeder insects for reptiles and other exotic pets.


If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of using isopods as feeder insects, keep reading!


  1. Nutritional Benefits 


Isopods are incredibly nutritious for reptiles. They are high in protein, easy to digest, and are also a good source of calcium. This means that your reptile will be able to get the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.


  1. Easy to Keep 


Compared to other feeder insects like crickets or mealworms, isopods are incredibly easy to keep and care for. They don't require any special equipment and can even live in the same enclosure as your pet. Plus, they won't smell or make noise like some other insects might.


  1. Cost-effective 


Not only are isopods easy to keep, but they are also incredibly cost-effective. They are one of the cheapest options when it comes to feeding your reptile insects, which is great if you have a tight budget.


  1. Variety of Species 


There are several different species of isopods that can be used as feeder insects, which means you can choose the one that's right for your reptile. Some popular species include Cubaris, Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare.


  1. Sustainable Option 


Unlike other feeder insects, isopods are a sustainable option. They can reproduce quickly and easily, which means that you won't have to keep buying more. Plus, they can help reduce waste in your enclosure by eating leftover food and faeces.


PostPods would highly recommend isopods as feeder insects but be sure to do your research to ensure they are the right feeder insect for your reptile. If you’re interested in trying out isopods as feeder insects check out our dairy cows, dwarf whites, zebras and oreo crumble.


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